For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the underdeveloped target regions of North Macedonia, scaling up and staying competitive can often feel like an uphill battle. Whether it’s accessing new markets, greening their businesses, protecting their intellectual property, developing new products or services or embracing digitalization, the challenges for businesses in regions like Polog, North-East, South-West, and Prespa (Municipality of Resen) are unique – and they demand tailored solutions. 

Now, thanks to the ongoing EU for Economic Growth (EU4EG) initiative, SMEs in these regions have a game-changing opportunity to access high-quality, professional business support services, subsidized at 50%. This Open call is part of a broader mission to stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and help local businesses increase their competitiveness and reach their full potential. 

But the question many SME owners are asking is: “What’s in it for me?” 

Turning Challenges into Opportunities 

Local SMEs often face challenges in maintaining sustainable growth. Limited access to professional services, whether for marketing, financial management, or digital transformation, has held many businesses back. Traditional business support organizations (BSOs) in these regions, though passionate, are often small with limited capacity, leaving SMEs under-served. On the other side, SMEs sometimes hesitate to invest in professional services, uncertain about the return on investment. 

This is where EU4EG steps in with a win-win solution. The current open call provides a 50% subsidy for businesses to access professional business support that can transform their operations. Whether it’s creating a new greener and/or more social business plan, entering international markets, or upgrading your technology, the assistance provided can be the key to unlocking new growth. 

Real Results for Real Businesses 

The EU4EG project and this Open call aren’t just about theoretical advice; it’s about delivering real, measurable results. SMEs that have already taken part in EU4EG’s initiatives have seen tangible improvements: 

  • Increased Revenue: Businesses that invested in strategic marketing services saw a sharp rise in customer interest and sales. 
  • Digital Transformation: Companies that took advantage of digitalization services reported streamlined operations, saving both time and money while increasing productivity. 
  • Export Readiness: Several SMEs have successfully expanded on foreign markets with exports, thanks to audit of export readiness and export marketing plan that helped them understand and navigate new international markets. 
  • Energy Efficiency: Companies that performed energy efficiency audits of their industrial processes were able to identify potential activities that will save them resources and make sound investment decisions. 

These examples are proof that professional business support services aren’t just an expense; they are an investment in the future of a company. They can also identify potential gaps but also potential opportunities and unlock new/ additional funding sources. 

A Service Tailored to Your Business Needs 

The support provided through the EU4EG project is far from one-size-fits-all. It’s customized to meet the specific needs of each SME, ensuring that the services you receive directly address your unique challenges and goals. You’ll have access to selected BSOs and their experts in a range of areas, including: 

  • Digital Maturity Assessment: Assess your readiness and bring your business into the digital age with new tools and technologies. 
  • Business Model Design (Circular business model Canvas): Chart a clear path to success by greening your business and making it more circular.  
  • Energy Efficiency Audit of industrial processes (PInE Audit Tool): Identify potential areas for energy saving and preserve your resources. 
  • Patent Prior-Art Search: Protect your intellectual property on different markets and be ahead of your competition. 
  • Market Scenario: Strengthen your brand and grow your customer base by assessing potential markets and by segmenting the right customers. 
  • Product development roadmap: Open your doors to international opportunities by developing new and/or improving existing innovative products and services. 

The best part? The 50% subsidy makes these valuable services affordable, even for micro and small businesses working with limited budgets. 

Success Stories from the target regions 

One such success story is that of one SME from the South-West region, which offers medical laboratory services. While investing heavily in new equipment they faced tough competition, and at the same time they needed to find new ways to be known, gain customers and increase sales. Through the EU4EG project, they were able to access Product development and Digital Marketing services at half the cost. The result? Development of new products, assessment of their digital marketing readiness and development of a new digital marketing strategy/plan. They are now considering acquiring new customers from the neighboring countries. 

In the North-East region, another SME in the manufacturing sector struggled with outdated processes and an inability to meet growing demand. By utilizing Energy audit services through the project, the company was able to identify potential areas for energy saving, identify third party investment to install photovoltaics, thus cutting costs and allowing them to scale up production. With product development services they were able to design 5 new products that are highly demanded in the construction industry. “Without the EU4EG support, we wouldn’t be able to identify the opportunities for growth, third party financing and obtain the financial means to make this leap. Now, we’re growing faster than we imagined,” said the business owner. 

A success story that comes from the Polog region features a company from a processing industry that used services f a local business support organization to update their business model Canvas with more circular elements. I had this idea for a long time in my head but I never found a time to update our business model with circular economy elements. It was only with the EU4EG support and the expertise of the local business support organization that we were able to sit down, take our time to identify the circular opportunities and introduce those elements in our business model. That meant new opportunities for growth. Now, we can also respond to the request of our foreign customers  to report on CO2 emissions savings,” underlines the owner. 

Prespa region is known for its production of famous apples. Using the services of the EU4EG project the company from the food processing sector was able to prepare a set of documents for certification of ISO quality standard that helped them to expand new markets and to identify opportunities for composting organic waste and thus introduce circular elements in their business model. The company was also able to train the farmers down the supply chain. As a result, they are now able to export freshly squeezed apple juice on the foreign markets. “At first, I was a bit skeptical, but now I realise it was the right thing to do. We had to invest some time and resources, but with the excellent support of the local business support organization, we are now able to understand better the circular economy business models. In order to identify gaps and opportunities for growth, a small company like ours, has to use business support services that add value”, recalls the company manager. 

How to Apply – It’s Easier Than You Think 

Applying for the EU4EG business support services subsidy is a simple and straightforward process. The application form takes just minutes to complete, and SMEs that qualify will be matched with the right business support organizations for their needs. 

  1. Submit an Application: Visit the official website and complete a quick application form. 
  1. Get Matched with a Business Support Organization from our list: Based on your business needs, you’ll be connected with a pre-qualified BSOs and their professional consultants who passed the EU4EG Academy to help tackle your specific challenges. 
  1. Receive 50% Subsidized Services: Start benefiting from high-quality services at half the price – a cost-effective investment in your future. 

A Limited-Time Opportunity – Don’t Wait! 

This open call is time-limited, and applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. The opportunity to access business support services at a 50% discount is rare, so SMEs are encouraged to act fast. The longer you wait, the fewer the chances of securing a spot in this transformative opportunity. 

With support from EU4EG, now is the time for SMEs in the 4 target regions of North Macedonia to rise to the challenge, invest in their future, and grow. Whether you’re looking to expand, streamline your processes, increase your competitive edge or identify other sources of funding, the tools are now within reach. 

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity – apply today and let EU4EG supported BSOs and their trained experts help you unlock your business’s full potential! 

For more information and to apply, visit the following LINK .